Wednesday 24 October 2012

Questionnaire analysis

We conducted a student questionnaire before attempting to produce a college magazine. We did this so that we could find out what sort of things people wanted in the magazine. The results we got were that 50% of the people we questioned were male and 50% were female.

90% of the people that we asked do not read the current college magazine

The main things that people wanted to be included in the magazine are fashion, music, job advice and sport

60% of people said that the magazine should be released every month and this was the majority of people

60% of the people who were asked would not pay for the magazine

40% of people would contribute to the magazine In order to be a part of it

The main things that people would want on a front cover are images, bright colours, bold title and arty

The most popular choice of colours for a front cover are red, blue, purple, pink and white

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